Have you ever wondered why some certain “pink” products that are labeled for women are more expensive than their male counterparts? Considering that both products have the same description and purpose? Ridiculous, isn’t it? And some of the companies that manufacture these goods have no specific justified reason for the disparity of the prices between men and women.

Pink tax in the Philippines is not an actual tax that you pay to the government, but it is discriminatory. In simple terms, we can refer to it as the price difference solely based on gender.

Items that are labeled as “for women” or “for girls “that usually come in pink color will most likely be pricier than the male versions of the same product. This can be seen in some products ranging from clothing, self-care products, and even children’s toys!

So in this video below, I try to dissect a little more on how the implementation of pink tax in the Philippines has been subtly charging us more out of our pockets while most Filipinas don’t even know that this exists! What products have I found that are “pink-taxed” and how do we “ax the pink tax” in the Philippines once and for all?

If you found this video interesting, I would love to know your thoughts on how to mitigate the pink tax. Cheers!

Pink Tax in the Philippines (Hidden Tax on Women’s Products)

By Ameena Rey-Franc

Ameena Rey-Franc is a best-selling author, sought-after keynote speaker, a graduate of the Registered Financial Planners program with a BS Accountancy degree under her belt. Her blog, The Thrifty Pinay, has been recognized as one of the top 10 best finance blogs to follow in the Philippines. With hundreds of speaking engagements nationwide, Ameena has trained Financial Literacy to employees of reputable companies such as GrabFoodPH, Insular Life, Pru Life UK, VISA, JPMorgan Chase & Co., Paypal, Fundline, Moneymax, and many more. She is known to move her audience with her well-thought-out, engaging, and easy-to-understand talks that include actionable plans. Her passion to educate has empowered thousands of Filipinos to build financial confidence, resilience, and achieve the life that they desire.