30 Best Side Hustles in the Philippines 2024

Side Hustle is a term increasingly used by Millenials these days.  A side hustle is a way to make some extra cash that allows you the flexibility to pursue your passion or anything you’re most interested in. The beauty of having side gigs or “raket” is that it will improve your cash flow because you are earning more money than you normally would. The downside of having one is that after your 8-hour job, your free time is spent doing extra work which may leave you feeling exhausted. But then again, you wouldn’t consider it as “work” if you really enjoy what you’re doing, right?

Here in The Thrifty Pinay, I encourage everyone to not be complacent with just one source of income. Now, are you looking into earning more money this 2024? Here’s a list of high-paying online, part-time, home-based, and freelance jobs you can do in your spare time.

30 Best Side Hustles in the Philippines 2024

1. Become a Virtual Assistant

A virtual assistant helps a business run, all while staying virtual (most likely at home). You can be contracted for one project (such as blog design) or it can be a continuing job such as replying to e-mails and comments.

I have heard plenty of success stories of people who have been working part-time as a Virtual Assistant and those who have completely given up their 9 to 5 jobs in pursuit of being one.  For all those Stay-at-Home Moms, there’s still hope in helping to generate income for the household!

What Does a Virtual Assistant Do?

Some of the tasks are:

*Social Media Assistant

*Website Design



*Market Research


2. Start a Profitable Blog

Do you have a passion for writing or something you are fond of learning about? If your answer is yes then try blogging as a good way to make extra income today. But mind you, starting a blog requires a lot of work and the money won’t really come in when you’re just starting out. You can start your blog for as low as $2.75 per month plus you get a free domain if you sign-up. That’s more or less around P150 per month.

To start a blog, you need to find your niche, or in other words, something you’re passionate of writing about that wouldn’t make you fed up easily. Select a topic that has commercial value and which people can relate to and learn from you.

Some profitable niches in the blogging industry today are as follows:

  •         *Business and Finance
  •         *Personal Development
  •         *Beauty and Lifestyle
  •         *Child Care/Parenting
  •         *Traveling

Read: How to Start A Blog- A step by step guide for the totally clueless

3. Do YouTube

I bet you’ve heard about successful YouTubers who have seriously made their way to the top by earning passive income through their videos.

Here’s a rundown on how to become a YouTuber:

  • *Find your niche. Similar to blogging, find a topic that you are passionate about and which people can learn from.
  • *Learn how to edit like a pro.  This is crucial as your viewers need to easily understand your content.
  • *Invest in your gadgets. As much as possible invest in a good camera, lights,  microphone and the like.
  • *Upload religiously. Just like blogging, you need to show consistency in your content or videos.

 Read: How to Start a Blog- A step by step Guide for the totally clueless

4. Do Online Surveys

Do you have an extra 10 to 30 minutes to spare? Instead of mindlessly browsing on social media, try doing online surveys.

There are plenty of companies that are willing to pay to get to know what ordinary consumers need. Some of the websites for online surveys in the Philippines are Toluna Influencers, PrizeRebel, and MOBROG. Or better yet, have a look at our list of the 8 Best Survey Sites in the Philippines that Actually Pays. Best to sign up for as many as you can so you can receive the most surveys and make the most money.

5. Podcasting

One of the Best Side Hustles in the Philippines 2024 is podcasting. A podcast is a form of blogging but instead of videos, the only thing you need to do is speak. Just select a good topic and start recording your first few episodes. Once you’ve created traffic and have a good following, sponsors will surely contact you for a possible partnership.

6. Create an ebook

Creating an ebook is a simple and easy way to make money on the side. You can create an ebook of about 50 to 75 pages about a particular subject you are an expert on. You can publish your ebook online and sell it on Amazon. Take advantage of social media and market your new ebook to your friends, colleagues, and loved ones. Click HERE if you want to find out how to publish your own ebook. 

 7. Be a Copywriter

Copywriting is one of the most lucrative freelancing careers ever. Copywriters produce content that aims to persuade readers to take action (it’s quite different from content writing). In other words, if you’re selling a product or service, copywriters convince them why your items are worth buying. If a client wants people to sign-up for their newsletter, copywriters coax them into doing it.

8. Sell on Facebook and Instagram

Facebook recently launched a Marketplace where you can conveniently discover, buy and sell with people in your community.Maximize this new addition from Facebook by using it as your own platform to sell anything. You can go from something preloved or something new. Just like Facebook Marketplace, Instagram is also a good platform to launch your own online shop.

My sister is a dentist who happens to have a knack for baking. Wanting to make a side hustle, she has launched her own Facebook page to sell her delicious homemade treats. Check out Briella’s Sweet Treats and hopefully, you may get some ideas of how to make a side hustle through Facebook.

9. Sell on Lazada and Shopee

These two are great apps to use for online selling. Lazada is a great place to sell clothes, gadgets, unique finds, craft supplies, and the list goes on! And similar to Lazada, Shopee works like a typical online marketplace where you can create your own shop and sell. Inside these apps, customers can follow your account so they get notified whenever you have a new posting.You have access already to communicate with your potential buyers, reply to comments, and post updates as well.

 10. Perfume Business

For this business idea, you have 2 choices:

  • You can be a reseller of an established perfume seller and just resell for a commission on every item sold; check out JustMy2Scents.
  • You can create your own perfume business. Check out this post to know how to make one. Click Here.

11. Buy and Sell

I used to sell whitening soaps and foldable bags back in the days when Sulit.com was the most known online selling platform. My husband has made his own side hustle by selling cars without the need to put in too much time and effort every day.

If you have a knack for spotting good deals and understanding what people like to buy online, you can make a good amount of money using online sales platforms like:

Remember to buy low and sell a little bit higher. Sometimes, it may take months. But if you’re lucky enough, a few days will just pass before you consider your item sold.

12. Tutor on a subject 

One of the Best Side Hustles in the Philippines this 2024 is tutoring. You may be able to make money by tutoring someone. You could help someone with their homework, help them learn a language, or how to play a musical instrument. If you know your expertise then looking at this as one of the ways to make money might be a really good option for you.

It may take you just a few hours per day and you get paid per hour.

13. Render Professional or Skill Services

There are plenty of services you can render as a freelancer, some of which are

  • *building websites
  • *making logos, flyers and brochures
  • *writing articles and poems
  • *Draw floor plans or create interior designs

Have you thought of something yet? If yes, sign up at 199jobs, put as much information as you can about the job you’ll offer, and then wait for potential customers who will want to avail your services. If you are a licensed professional or a skilled craftsmen, and can offer some of these manual labor jobs:

  • *Gadgets and appliance repairs & services
  • *Food catering services
  • *Events, performers, and other business services
  • *Fitness/Personal trainers and more
  • *Home repair and improvement
  • *Moving & trucking services

Then the following online platforms are great for you:

14. Affiliate Marketing 

Ever wondered why “budol” page owners never miss out on a chance to promote the newest stuff they bought or some fancy product they discovered online? It’s because every time you make a purchase through their product link, they earn a commission. Now imagine them peppering their links all over social media and making a sale for at least half of those. Every sale they make can add up that’s enough to pay the bills. That, my friends, is called affiliate marketing which is dubbed as one of the best passive ways to earn income. Know more about affiliate marketing through this post: Best Affiliate Marketing Tips To Make More Affiliate Sales Philippines.

 15. Be a photographer for hire

If you already have a DSLR, have good skills in taking photos, and are finding a way to use this gadget for an additional income stream, then you can be a photographer for hire. Here are a number of ways you can make extra income as a photographer for hire:

  • *Event photographer on weddings and events
  • *Personal photographer for bloggers/influencers doing product and outfit shots
  • *Selling your own photos on stock photography websites

 16. Foodcarts

As we all know, foodcarts are the cheapest way you can start a business in the food industry. You can franchise one or come up with your own concept. Some of the best locations to place your foodcart will be:

  •         *Lrt and Mrt stations
  •         *Bus and jeep terminals
  •         *Residential Area
  •         *Schools 
  •         *Canteens

 17. Street Food business

As a business that won’t be needing a huge capital, this is also ideal to be movable instead of in a fixed location so you can maximize the returns. Be it fishballs, squidballs, kikiam or toknene, there’s just too many Pinoy street foods to choose from, and many Pinoys still long for a quick merienda of these. Check out our guide on How to Start a Frozen Food Business in the Philippines.

 18. Sticker Business

If you’re one to be in touch with your creative side and are looking for a unique niche for a start-up, selling stickers may be your thing. Unlike other small businesses, sticker selling has a relatively low barrier to entry. They are quite cheap to prepare yet still offer good profit margins.

Do you want to create stickers that cater to children and their interests? Or will you be that provider of those standardized labels for manufacturers of all sorts? It all depends on you. Know more of the ins and outs of running this kind of side hustle in this article: How to Start a Sticker Business in the Philippines.

19. Direct Selling

Direct selling is still a side hustle I see a lot of people doing up to this day. You basically earn through commission on every product you sell and additional commission for any recruits. This is recommended to those who are comfortable doing face-to-face selling of products and services.

Here’s a list of direct selling companies  you can partner with:

  • *Avon
  • *Natasha
  • *Sophie Paris
  • *Mary Kay
  • *Amway

20. Rental Properties

Rentals is one of the best side hustles in the Philippines 2024. If you own a condo or house that has a spare room, you can register and promote that place up on Airbnb to rent it out to anyone. There are tourists or workers who live far from their workplaces,  looking for temporary accommodation. You can rent out a vacation property, a guest room in your house, or even your entire home while you’re away.

Airbnb is one of the quickest ways to monetize your existing real estate. Depending on your location and the size of your spare room – you can charge anywhere from P500 – P4,000 per day

21.  Loading Business

In an E-Load business, all you need is a spare phone (dual sim) and a retailer starter sim. If you work in an office then you may have a good shot at this.  Let your friends and officemates know that you are selling load. You can even do this side hustle in your neighborhood. Find a good sari-sari that doesn’t have e-load product and talk for a possible partnership.

22. Stock Market

This platform is not for the faint of heart. Still, out of all the other ways you can make extra money, investing in the stock market has been proven to be worth the risk.  History has a proven track record on how much your money can grow through dividends and capital appreciation. 

If you want to equip yourself with the basic concepts and opportunities of stock market investing and online trading, there are online trading platforms such as philstocks.ph and COL Financial that offer free seminars on weekdays and weekends.

23. UITF and Mutual Fund

If you are just starting out in investing, I recommend investing in UITFs and Mutual funds. Unlike the stock market where you will be directly investing in the companies, uitfs and mutual funds are handled by a fund manager who will be doing the investing for you. It is the easiest way to invest in stocks that will require less monitoring on your part. 

In other words, it’s like parking your money in a bank account, but instead of being stuck in a bank account, your money will be put to work.  To learn more about these two, read my post UITF & Mutual funds: a Beginner’s Guide to Investing

24. Crowdfunding

Cropital, PhilCrowd, and FarmOn.ph are online crowdfunding businesses and are now one of the latest alternative investments in the country to date. It works really simple, your investment will be pooled together with the others and be used as capital for local farmers. It’s just like lending money to our local farmers but doing it online.

After the harvest and selling of produced goods, you’ll get your share of profits.

To learn how I invested in FarmOn.ph click here: How to invest in FarmOn.ph : A Beginner’s Guide

25. Peer to Peer Lending or P2P Lending 

P2P Lending pools money from its members/investors and lends them to borrowers. You invest by lending money and letting the money work for you. P2P lending services that operate online,  like  MoneyMatchFundKo, and Lendingclub,  run at lower overhead costs compared to banks thus yielding a higher rate of return for you.

26. Become a Financial Advisor

Thanks to social media, more and more Filipinos are financially-literate and are ready to build a strong financial foundation. One step towards having a solid financial plan is by getting insurance and so, this is where financial advisors enter the picture. Being a financial advisor in the Philippines basically entails prospecting new clients and fulfilling a sales quota on a commission basis. Of course, the more sales, the more financial rewards you reap.

27. Become a Registered Financial Planner

Don’t get confused as this is different from a Financial Advisor. While a financial advisor is licensed to promote insurance and investment products, a registered financial planner (RFP) is licensed to curate a comprehensive financial plan that is tailored or customized based on your earning capability, lifestyle, and goals. In my opinion (since I have taken up the RFP Course), RFPs have a more holistic approach in examining your financial standing and have a more detailed strategy for achieving your financial goals compared to financial advisors.

28. Piso Wifi Business

I’m sure you’ve seen those small, metal machines with blinking lights and little coin slots. Setting up this kind of business is a terrific passive income stream and a perfect venture for individuals who do not have the time to monitor their business but have enough money to start one. Key factors for opening a Piso Wifi business are finding a great location with foot traffic and consumers who have a limited budget for internet access. If you have a full-time gig but still want some extra income, head on to our guide on How to Start a Piso WiFi Business: Everything You Need To Know.

29. Create an App

It is possible to create an app without breaking the bank or having any software development skills. There are two ways you can go about creating an app in the Philippines: hire an app developer or DIY by using an app builder. There are different monetization strategies you can use but for newbies, you can earn an average of USD 0.002 or .11PHP per usage. If your app achieves 1,000 downloads and users use it daily, that’s roughly 200 PHP per day. A decent app that has had numerous downloads can build your savings funds in the long run. Know more about building an app through this guide: How To Create An App Philippines (without breaking your budget)


Make extra money at your job:

You may want to look into seeing if there are ways to make more money at the job you already have.

30. Get a promotion  

If your chances for a salary raise are slim to none, then you may want to look into finding a promotion in your company that you know comes with an increase in your paycheck.

31. Work overtime

In most companies I’ve worked with, rendering overtime is welcomed. Because of that, I have earned a decent amount of money. Plus, what’s an extra hour or two when you’re already in the office, right?

32. Sell snacks in your office

I can recall an officemate of mine putting up his own “mini sari-sari store” in our pantry. Whenever colleagues lacked time to head outside to buy snacks, they would just drop by the pantry and buy all sorts of chips, cookies, and cakes from that mini sari-sari store.

If your boss allows you to do so then you might as well grab your chance.

Best Side Hustles in the Philippines 2024

If you’re looking for more side hustle ideas in the Philippines, check out our article about the 16 Drop Servicing Ideas (Zero Investment & Easy!) in the Philippines and the Best Business To Start With Small Capital in the Philippines. Just remember to do your due diligence before venturing into any of these side hustles. When it comes to side hustles, keep trying. You’re not going to make thousands of pesos on your first day, your first project, or during your first gig.

As Mr. Henry Sy has said himself regarding failures: “There is no such thing as overnight success or easy money. If you fail, do not be discouraged; try again.”

I hope you found this list of “Best Side Hustles in the Philippines 2024 helpful. Tell me, which one will you try out first? For more related posts about business, check out our articles below.

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Best Side Hustles in the Philippines 2024

By Ameena Rey-Franc

Ameena Rey-Franc is a best-selling author, sought-after keynote speaker, a graduate of the Registered Financial Planners program with a BS Accountancy degree under her belt. Her blog, The Thrifty Pinay, has been recognized as one of the top 10 best finance blogs to follow in the Philippines. With hundreds of speaking engagements nationwide, Ameena has trained Financial Literacy to employees of reputable companies such as GrabFoodPH, Insular Life, Pru Life UK, VISA, JPMorgan Chase & Co., Paypal, Fundline, Moneymax, and many more. She is known to move her audience with her well-thought-out, engaging, and easy-to-understand talks that include actionable plans. Her passion to educate has empowered thousands of Filipinos to build financial confidence, resilience, and achieve the life that they desire.